Movie: MewTwo Strikes Back ***This is not an official manuscript. This is a translation of an untranslated episode and is only released as a reference material to the pokémon series and games. All copyrights belong to Nintendo, Game Freaks, and all creators of the movie*** (Opens when the camera is underwater.) Voice Who am I? I've been dreaming about this world which doesn't exist in my memory. (Mew swims by) Who are you? Wait! Am I apart of you...? Or not...? (Camera goes into a darker place with orange bubbles then it shows someone's eye open. Human figures are seen outside where he is.) Where is this? Who am I? Who brought me here? (We now see who the voice belongs to, it's Mewtwo.) Mewtwo Who am I and why am I here? I just appeared here. I haven't even been born to this world yet. Who am I? (Mewtwo opens his eyes completely and shatters the glass and all the wires fall of him!) Scientist It has awakened! Mewtwo Did he do this? Scientist Wonderful! Mewtwo has been completed. Mewtwo Mewtwo? Scientist That's you. We created you from a Mew the rarest pokémon in the world! Yes, that's the pokémon which is said to be the most rare of all pokémon. Mew. Mewtwo Mew? Is that my parent? My father? My mother? Scientist You can say that, but not really. You've been made stronger based on a Mew. Mewtwo Who is this? If neither my father nor mother. Then was it god? Did God create me? Scientist In the world the only ones that can create new life is man and god. Mewtwo Who did this? Humans made me? Scientist This is truly a victory for science. Another scientist With this we've proven our theory correct. We can continue the study. Third scientist This place will become the new Mecca. Scientist (all shaking hands) I'm going to contact the other offices. Mewtwo Who am I? Where is this place? What was I born for? (Mewtwo floats up and starts destroying the whole lab. Then tons of little metal hand like things come down to stop him but he just blows them up. Soon the whole lab is in flames.) Scientist To make the strongest pokémon ever.. that was our dream... (The whole lab blows up. Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket comes down in a chopper and confronts Mewtwo.) Mewtwo Is this my power? I'm the strongest pokémon in the world. Mew. Am I stronger then you? Giovanni You surly are the strongest pokémon in the world. But there is another that would be the strongest. Mewtwo The humans? Giovanni (nods) If you and a human were to cooperate then the world would be ours. Mewtwo The world would be ours? Giovanni If your power is set free the world would be ruined. You must control your power. Mewtwo Control? Giovanni Are you okay with destroying the world as it is with that power? Mewtwo What should I do? (Giovanni smiles. Mewtwo is at TRHQ getting loads of armor put on.) Mewtwo Control myself with the armor that protects me? What are you going to make me do? Giovanni It's simple. All you have to do are the things everyone else has been doing... Mewtwo and that is? Giovanni Fighting, destruction, and plunder. The stronger will win. -------------------------------------------------------- Mewtwo is sent into an arena to fight pokémon first an Onix which Mewtwo throws into a wall with his mind. Then it shows Mewtwo out in a field with a lot of wild Tauros. He raises them up with his mind control and TR throws pokéballs out and catches them all. Then it shows Mewtwo in the gym again fighting Alakazam, Mewtwo does just what he did to Onix. Then came Electron and he used an electric attack and Mewtwo reflected it back at him. Next came Gary's Arcanine and Nidoking... he took care of them easily. Next scene, back in Giovanni's lab. -------------------------------------------------------- Mewtwo What am I fighting for? What am I living for? Giovanni You are a pokémon. Pokémon made by humans, what else are you worth? Mewtwo My worth? Who am I? What do I live for? (Mewtwo starts breaking free of the wires) Giovanni What are you doing? Mewtwo I was made by humans. But I, who was created by humans, am not even a pokémon. (Mewtwo blows up the place and flies off while all his armor slowly falls of into the sea. He lands on a rock.) Who am I? Where is this place? Who asked to make me? Who wished to make me? I hate everything that made me! So this is neither an attack not a declaration of war but revenge on you who made me! ---------------------------------------------------- Introduction ---------------------------------------------------- (Brock is cooking lunch for everyone.) Narrator Ash and the others are on a journey training to be pokémon masters. It's a beautiful day so they take a break in a field. Ash Is it ready yet? Misty Ash you can help too. Ash I can't I can't even move one millimeter because I'm so starved. Brock Stew well and raise slowly. You mustn't be in a rush with both soup or pokémon. (Pikachu and Togepy spot someone coming) Pirate Hey you! The boy over there! Are you Ash from Pallet Town? Ash That's right. Pirate Can I have a Pokémon battle with you? Ash (runs over to him) Okay! I must have a solid fight! Misty I thought you couldn't move one millimeter? Ash Just one or two pokémon fights before breakfast. Brock This is lunch, so that would be before lunch. Pikachu pika..chu... (Has the Japanese Pokémon intro music through this battle the whole time. Ash pulls out a pokéball and throws out Bulbasaur. Then the pirate throws out Donfan. Bulbasaur charges and Donfan rolls into a ball and hits Bulbasaur, then turns around and hits him again! Then he tries it again but Bulbasaur uses Solar Beam and Donfan faints. The Pirate then sends out Machamp. Ash sends out Squirtle. Machamp kicks Squirtle down and then goes to kick him again but Squirtle dodges it and bubbles him till Machamp faints. The pirate gets mad and throws 3 pokéballs down. one is a Venomoth another is a Golem and the other is a Pinsir. Pikachu jumps off ashes shoulder and does Thundershock and all 3 faint.) Pirate Oh My God! (this was possibly the funniest part of the entire movie :) Ash I did it! Misty It was just because your opponent was weak. Brock He didn't even raise them well (flash to Team Rocket who is on a cliff watching our heroes.) James Pikachu gets stronger and stronger. Jessie Beautiful Meowth We couldn't beat him even once. But the word surrender isn't in our dictionary. Jessie I will get that Pikachu. James But look at that. (looks at them all eating) Meowth I'm so hungry. Jessie I got a frying pan... Meowth What good is such a thing without meat and vegetables? It's just an iron board. --------------------------------------------- A Fearow with a camera flies over head then it shows inside some place where you can see Ash and Pikachu on the screens. --------------------------------------------- Lady Are you sending them an invitation? Mewtwo Certainly. (Dragonite flies out of the control center with a purse. It flies over the sees and then over Team Rocket and they fall then it flies over Ash and everyone's head knocking them all over then she lands.) Ash What are you? (Dragonite hands Ash an invitation) This? For me? (He hits a button and a hologram of the lady is displayed) Lady Please forgive me for the abrupt letter. Brock What a beautiful lady... Lady Since you are a promising pokémon trainer of the future, we'd like to invite you to a party of my master who is the strongest pokémon trainer in the world. The place is the New Island, Pokémon Castle. Please check the reply card for whether your coming or not. Please accept the invitation for the strongest trainer in the world. Brock Beautiful Lady... Misty What do we do? Brock Lets go for it. We should go for it. Ash I don't feel uncomfortable with being told I'm a promising future trainer. Misty Well then check yes on the card. (They check yes, and hand the invitation back to Dragonite. Dragonite takes the card and flies off but Jessie, James and Meowth take out a net in an attempt to steal this rare pokémon. Ash's invitation falls out of Dragonites purse.) Jessie Don't say Goodbye without saying hello. Meowth a post card? --------------------------------------------- Scene change. We see Mewtwo waving his hand back and forth moving the clouds, causing a big storm to start. We then see mew sleeping in a bubble underwater as the bubble floats to the top and pops, Mew wakes up and flies off. Ash and everyone run out of the storm and into a ocean side house that has all the other trainers who were invited. --------------------------------------------- A Trainer Calm down Kingler! Cut it out! (Our heroes run inside wet.) Ash It was a beautiful day! Brock The weather along this beach can change easily. (we notice a big crowd of trainers by the door and Officer Jenny standing with a woman talking to them all) Crowd Huh? The ferry has been canceled? Sweet We can't go to the New Island?! Crowd Oh No! We were invited to go! Officer Jenny Be quiet everyone. Here is the Pier Master. Boijer I'm Boijer. If you want to know about the sea ask the seagulls on the pier. No need to bother. Just look at the flaw of the clouds. I've never seen such a hurricane in all my years. Officer Jenny Is it that terrible? Boijer I grew up on a port and I've never experienced such a storm. Besides the storm is above New Island offshore of this pier. I can't let you be placed in danger. That's my wish as the one who guards this pier. Officer Jenny As you heard the ferry has been cancelled. Umio Its okay with my pokémon. My pokémon are stronger in water. I can cross the sea. Boijer Wait. I'm the one who knows the sea and I say no! Officer Jenny She's right! Besides if the pokémon were to get hurt now they wouldn't be able to get treatment at a Pokémon Center. Ash What do you mean? Officer Jenny Nurse Joy at the Pokémon Center is missing. Pokémon can't receive treatment without Nurse Joy. The poster over there is the missing person report (Brock looks at it) Brock Beautiful... Who? I've seen her somewhere before... (Some of the trainers go outside in the storm wanting to cross the ocean. Soroa gets onto his Pidgeot and flies off. Umio gets on his Gyarados and swims across.) Officer Jenny Stop! Stop or I'll arrest you! (Sweet gets on her Dewgong and starts swimming away.) Boijer There's no use trying to stop them. After all they're pokémon trainers. If they were children who would stop after being told to, they wouldn't have gathered here. Let's just pray for there safety. (Ash, Brock, Misty and Pikachu run outside and see everyone leaving.) Ash Across the sea lives the strongest trainer in the world. I can't cop out now. Misty But we can't cross this sea using our pokémon. Ash Right. (A Small wooden ship pulls up with 2 people in it. Guess who?) Jessie Want a ride? Not saying that it's free but depending on the situation. I might allow you onboard. (They get on and start going and Meowth is dressed like a girl in front of the boat, then a huge wave and Team Rocket's costumes fall off. then the waves start getting really rough.) Ash You guys! You guys again?! Brock You guys appear at the very worst times! Ash What do you want? Jessie If we're asked what we want... James The answer to that is.. Meowth There's no time for saying that! (A huge wave flips the boat. Misty shoots out Staryu and swims to the surface.) Brock Ash! Misty! (Misty comes up and he grabs onto Staryu.) Misty Where is Ash and Pikachu?! (A big wave comes again, and they go back under and see As h swimming up with Squirtle.) Ash Hold on tight everyone! (Squirtle and Staryu keep swimming under the waves until they see light. Then it shows Mew flying above the clouds. Ash and everyone get to the castle and climb out of the water, and the mysterious lady is standing there. Lady Welcome to the New Island. Please show me your invitation. Ash How's this? (He shows her). B rock That was you just as I thought! Lady Yes? Brock That picture of Nurse Joy I saw in the missing person report at the pier was you. Misty That reminds me, she looks like her. Lady I don't know what your talking about. I've been serving this castle ever since I was born. Come this way. The other guests are already waiting. --------------------------------------------- They go inside and Team Rocket floats up from the water on top of Weezing. Then it shows Mew playing with the windmill on top of the castle. MEANWHILE Ash and everyone are inside the castle. --------------------------------------------- Lady Those are the trainers who have already arrived. Ash Only 3? Lady The trainers who couldn't cross that storm aren't worth inviting. Brock So then you tested us? Lady Please take out the pokémon from the pokéballs and be seated. You are the chosen trainers. James (outside and the front door shuts) Well then, let's sneak into this castle... Jessie The only way is to use the exit. Meowth Where's the exit? Jessie Over there... Meowth The s..s..sewer!? I'm not a brown rat! Jessie Don't complain! (All of a sudden Mew comes down from behind TR and looks at them. Jessie turns her head but Mew disappeared.) James What's wrong Jessie? Jessie Nothing lets go. --------------------------------------------- Meanwhile... --------------------------------------------- Sorao You came too? Ash You? Sorao I flew here. My Pidgeot can cross such a hurricane in one flight. Everyone greet them! (all his pokémon say their names Then they see a Gyarados.) Umio That's my Gyarados. I rode him across the sea. Those kind of waves are nothing for it. Ash Gyarados is a brutal pokémon isn't it? Umio Yeah, but if you can handle it, no one is more reliable. Sweet My pokémon are just the same over there. (points to her Blastoise, Wigglytuff, and more. Then all the lights turn off, there is a bright beam of light coming down the center of a huge spiral staircase.) Lady That you for waiting everyone. The strongest pokémon trainer is coming. (All of a sudden Mewtwo starts floating down and all the pokémon get worried.) Lady Yes, this is the strongest pokémon trainer and strongest pokémon. Mr. Mewtwo. (The lights come back on and everyone can see him clearly.) Ash Mewtwo? Umio A Pokémon is a pokémon trainer? It can't be. (It becomes apparent that MewTwo is telepathically controlling Joy...) Mewtwo I've decided my own rules. Misty That voice! Brock Telepathy! (Mewtwo raises Umio up in the air and throws him into a pool (using his mind) Umio Darn it! Go Gyarados! (Gyarados attacks with Hyper Beam, it goes to Mewtwo and Mewtwo stops it and turns it around and it hits Gyarados causing it to faint.) Mewtwo That was easy. (looks at Joy) I no longer have any need for you anymore. (Joy faints into Brock's arms) Brock Nurse Joy. Nurse Joy Where is this place? Why am I here? Mewtwo To make you take care of me, I took you from the Pokémon Center. A doctor who is familiar with pokémon is convenient. You were quite useful. You don't remember anything though. Brock What did you say? Mewtwo Humans can be manipulated in any way with my power. Misty With what power? Pikachu PIKA! (Meanwhile TR are in the castle and they find a strange room and they enter it.) Meowth What is this place? (They look and see a Charizard, Venusaur and a Blastoise in Big Glass Test Tubes sleeping.) Meowth Cute! James Is it really? Jessie These aren't like any treasures I've seen. (Jessie walks away and sits on some button and a computer turns on with a very fuzzy screen.) Computer ...our study... to continue in our research ... we would have to collect samples from our test subjects... (All of a sudden something grabs Meowth and throws him in a machine) Meowth HELP! HELP! Jessie Meowth! (Both Jessie and James start pull to get Meowth out and they do get him out but not before the machine got 3 hairs from off of his tail.) Meowth OUCH! My hair! (on the computer screen a figure of a Meowth shows up and the computer starts saying some weird stuff then in an empty test tube next to Team Rocket, a Meowth falls down from a pipe into it) All of TR MEOWTH?! Meowth I am Meowth. James Then this is.... Meowth's copy? (Mew appears behind Team Rocket again.) Computer But the copy we created is more than we've imaged. The pokémon which we found.... in the depths... it's name is Mew... We succeeded in finding fossilized eye lashes of a mew. From the gathered components we created Mewtwo with this machine. The goal was to make the strongest pokémon with our own hands. That was our dream. But soon Mewtwo displayed unmeasurable violence. Its all over. The research office will be destroyed. The only way left to abandon this place and escape. (the computer shuts off) Jessie This is the research office? James I think so. Meowth Yeah James But there's nothing wrong with it. Jessie Or maybe something created it again. James But who? Mewtwo I thought of working with humans once. But I was disappointed. Humans are the worst creatures inferior to pokémon. If creatures that are weak and cruel like humans control this world, this planet will come to ruin. Brock Are you saying like your gonna rule it? Mewtwo (shakes his head) Pokémon are no good either because this planet is ruled by humans our pokémon... pokémon who lived for humans. Pikachu Pika..pika pika! Mewtwo What did you say? You're not being controlled? You're with the humans because you want to be? To be with them by itself is wrong. (Mewtwo lifts Pikachu up with his mind and throws him but Ash jumps back and catches him!) Pikachu pika! Ash Pikachu! Mewtwo Weak pokémon rely on humans. Misty Ash! Are you ok? Ash Yeah. How dare you attack Pikachu?! Soroa We can get him no matter what kind of pokémon he is, as long as he's a pokémon, GO RYHORN! (Ryhorn charges at Mewtwo and is 1 inch from him and Mewtwo stops him and raises him into the air, and shoots Ryhorn across the room!) Soroa Ryhorn! Mewtwo It's no use. I was born as the strongest of any pokémon in the world. Ash You don't know that before we try. Mewtwo You wan to try? Ash We can ask for nothing better. -------------------------------------------------------- Mewtwo eyes start glowing then it shows in the lab with Team Rocket in it Charizard, Venusaur, and Blastoise come out of there test tubes and walk out the door. then Mew flies out with them. -------------------------------------------------------- James Was that a..? Jessie Mew? Mewtwo Any human who are aiming to be pokémon trainers go first. Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur. (The 3 copies raise up from the ground.)These are the evolved forms of the copies I've made. Sweet Copies? Soroa They are...? (Everything starts shaking and a huge door opens and inside is a pokémon battle field.) Brock A battle field? Is he going to have a pokémon battle? Soroa I've got Venusaur for that copy one! Sweet I've got Blastoise for that copy one! Ash I've got Charizard too. Charizard I chose you! (Charizard comes out and gives Mewtwo and evil look then shoots fire out at him but Mewtwo makes a force field around him so it doesn't even touch him.) Charizard, that's a surprise attack. (Mewtwo shoots up water and the fire goes out.) Mewtwo What a bad tempered Charizard. So who's first? (Soroa's Venusaur walks out.) Soroa I was careless before, but it won't go that way this time. (The copied Venusaur walks out.) Soroa Venusaur! Razorleaf! Mewtwo Vine Whip. (Copied Venusaur's vines chop up the razor leafs then his vines wrap around Venusaur and tosses him across the room!) Soroa Venusaur! Sweet I'm next! Go Blastoise! (Mewtwo points for copied Blastoise to go.) Sweet Blastoise, Hydro Pump! (Copied Blastoise spins right threw the water and hits Blastoise causes him to go crashing hard into the wall.) Sweet Blastoise! Misty Be careful Ash! His skills are strong! Ash I know. (Mewtwo signals Copied Charizard to go.) Ash Charizard! Lets fight with speed not power! Okay go! (Both Charizard fly up. Ashes Charizard keeps using Flame- thrower but copied Charizard dodges them all and keeps hitting Charizard in the stomach.) Misty Where are the speed attacks? Brock The enemy is to fast! (Copied Charizard grabs Charizard and starts flying down to the ground!) Ash Charizard! Mewtwo Dive Bomb Slam! Charizard hits into the ground then gets up.. roars loudly.. then faints. Ash (Runs out to Charizard) Hold on Charizard! Are you okay? Mewtwo Both speed and power are lacking. (Mewtwo then throws his hands up and 3 black pokéballs appear he shoots them all out and captures Sweet's Blastoise another gets Soroa's Venusaur and the other captures ashes Charizard! A small gold statue lifts up and the 3 balls shoot down into the hole.) Ash STOP! Misty Are you taking the other's pokémon?! Mewtwo Taking them? No. I'm going to make stronger copies than the pokémon you are so proud of. (Mewtwo raises his arms again and hundreds of Black pokéballs appear!) It's suitable enough for me. Brock Copies? Ash Stop! That's a violation of the rules! Mewtwo Don't tell me what to do. (Mewtwo looks at Ash and throws him into Brock) I've decided my own rules. (Mewtwo drops his arms and all the black pokéballs start flying everywhere) Brock They're Coming! Ash Run everyone! -------------------------------------------------------- The pokéballs are everywhere catching the trainers pokémon, the Gyarados was caught then the Golduck, then Seaking, then Scyther, then Hitmonlee, then Sandslash the trainers are trying to protect there pokémon but there is nothing they can do! then Dewgong was caught, then Rapidash, then Vileplume. Then Bulbasaur and Squirtle are fighting them off, then Wigglytuff was caught, then Pidgeot and when they get caught the pokéballs fly back into the whole under the statue lifted up in the air. -------------------------------------------------------- Ash I've got it! Take your own pokémon back to your own pokéballs! Return Squirtle and Bulbasaur! (they both go back into their pokéballs) Mewtwo It's no use. (2 black pokéballs go to Ash, open, and capture the pokéballs Bulbasaur and Squirtle are in!) Nothing is impossible with the black pokéballs I have made. (Misty puts Togepy in her bag and shuts it tight while Brock holds Vulpix close.) Nurse Joy This place is no good. Let's run outside! (Nurse Joy, Psyduck, Misty and Brock start running but then a black ball catches Psyduck) Misty My Psyduck! (A black ball catches Vulpix.) Brock Vulpix! (Pikachu is being hunted down by tons of black pokéballs! Then Pikachu falls and is about to be caught! But Ash jumps in front of him and the pokéballs hit him.) Ash Run Pikachu! (Pikachu is running and starts climbing the spiral stairs with ash running after him. Pikachu keeps using Thundershock to blow up all the pokéballs around him but more keep coming! Ash starts running up the stairs a little behind Pikachu) Don't give up Pikachu! (Pikachu gets tired and he accidentally falls of the stairs! Ash jumps after him and is about to grab him but then a black pokéballs snatches Pikachu! But Ash catches the pokéball and then falls into some water but when he does the pokéballs slips out of his hands and goes into the hole. Since it was the last pokémon the statue starts to drop but Ash just barely makes it and jumps down into the hole after the Pikachu in the ball! Team Rocket is still in the Lab, which is where all the copies are going. They are amazed at all the copies dropping into all the test tubes everywhere but then Ash falls down chasing after Pikachu!) Jessie Brat? Ash I'm sorry, I don't have time to deal with you today! (Ash jumps and grabs Pikachu's pokéball but right when he does about 25 little metal mini hand like things come down trying to keep Pikachu, Ash is fighting off the mini hands.) Let it go! Darn it! Let him go! Let go of my Pikachu! Let go! (All the hands break and the whole copy machine starts blowing up and Pikachu comes out of his ball.) Pikachu! Pikachu Pika! But then all the Copy pokémon start coming out of there tubes because the whole copy machine is all blown up. All the copies start walking out of the room. Jessie Oh no! There coming out! Meowth My copy to! Ash Those are all copies? Jessie Where are they all going? All of a sudden there's an explosion and all the black pokéballs come out and all the original pokémon come out! James The real ones have come out to! 2 of the black balls open and 2 normal pokéballs come out, then those open and Squirtle and Bulbasaur come out! Ash and Pikachu runs over and starts laughing and hugging each other then ash stops and looks up and looks angry! Meanwhile up stairs... Mewtwo Humans, I won't take your lives too. Leave here. The doors open to the exit. Mewtwo That is if you an make it out in that storm. Then there is an explosion and all the copied pokémon come walking out. Mewtwo What happened here? From the smoke, Ash and all the original pokémon come walking out. Ash I can not forgive...! I will not forgive you! Misty/Brock Ash! Misty (sees Psyduck) Psyduck! Brock (sees Vulpix) Vulpix! Mewtwo Did you set them free? Ash I will protect my pokémon, my friends. (Ash charges at Mewtwo and goes to punch him but Mewtwo throws him down to the ground. Ash gets up and tries again and Mewtwo lifts him up.) Misty Ash! Brock Stop! (Mewtwo throws Ash into a huge statue but just as he's about to hit it -which we know would really hurt a pink bubble stops him and Ash bounces a few times on that.) Mewtwo What? (Mew flies up to Ash and stares at him, Ash then looks at Mew and Mew pops the bubble and Ash falls -only like a foot then Mew starts giggling.) You're... (Mew makes another bubble and starts jumping up and own on it giggling and having a good time, then Mewtwo makes a black electric ball and shoots it up and it pops mew bubble. Mew turns around and looks at Mewtwo confused. Mewtwo makes another and blows up when it hits Mew. Mewtwo makes 3 more and throws them all up at Mew, Mew dodges them all and starts giggling again.) Brock That's... Misty Pokémon? Mew flies down and looks at Mewtwo Mewtwo Mew. The pokémon that's supposed to be the rarest pokémon in the world. Brock Mew? (Mew looks around at everyone... I love this guy!) Mewtwo I was made from you. But I am the stronger one...I am the true one. (Mew is still looking around acting like its paying no attention to Mewtwo.) Brock Mew and Mewtwo. Sweet Mewtwo was made from Mew. Mewtwo (starts glowing) I am the only one who will survive. (Mewtwo starts chasing mew everywhere shooting tons of those black electric balls at him. But Mew keeps running away dodging everything.) Mewtwo Who don't you want to fight? The reason why you avoid fighting is because your afraid of me? (Mewtwo makes another black electric ball and shoots it at Mew and knocks Mew right in the face and mew goes flying in the distance. Everyone is then shocked, but then the same type of ball only blue comes back and hits Mewtwo and he goes into a wall. Mew flies back down. and Mewtwo floats up from the fire and rubble. TR Enters the room.) Mewtwo Your attacks are ineffective against me. Now is the time to decide which one of us is the true one, you the copy... which is the stronger? We were made stronger than the real ones. Mew mew, mew..mew mew mew...mew, mew..mew mew mew Meowth I see. Jessie What is it saying? Meowth The real one is real. If they fight only using bodies without skills. The true ones will not be beaten by their copies Mewtwo The real one is real?.... Fine! (Mewtwo shoots another black electric ball at Mew but Mew dodges it and just barely misses Ash! Ash then starts climbing down the statue.) Lets decide which is the real one without skills. You're the stronger ones, GO! (All the copies start attacking their originals. The copies are winning. Mewtwo makes a visible blue force field around himself. Mew does the same except its pink and they fly up high in the air and keep ramming into each other. Then Pikachu is looking around at the big copy war then he sees his copy standing there ready to fight him! Pikachu can't believe it.) Nurse Joy What is this fighting? Both the real ones and copies are alive now. Sweet Everyone is a living thing Brock Though they were created, there are living beings that live in this world. Misty The real ones and the copies... But both of them are the same living things. There's no such thing as a win and losing. James If we were asked that, I wouldn't know what to say Jessie I feel so sorry James They're bullying themselves. Jessie Its like seeing what we used to be. James Its like seeing what we are now. Both Feels Bad! (Meowth's copy walks up to Meowth.) Meowth Its you! (they take out there claws and are ready fight) This is gonna hurt. But every pokémon is fighting each other, you're unfair. Copy Meowth Meow meow... Meowth What? I'm more unfair? It's because I'm not fighting with you? Your nails would hurt more wouldn't they? Copy Meowth meow meow meow Meowth You said tonight's moon would be round? You're right, it must be a full moon. Copy Meowth meow meow Meowth Talking about the moon at a time like this is tasteful. Its philosophical. (Meanwhile Mew and Mewtwo are still bouncing around fighting. And Ash finally makes it back to the ground.) Ash (looks at everyone fighting and getting so tired) That's Enough! Stop! Brock Ash! Ash I've got to stop them. Brock No. The battle will continue unless Mew and Mewtwo stop fighting. Nurse Joy Animals don't hand over there territory to the same type of animal. Misty oh no. Nurse Joy They will fight until they drive their opponents away. That is the way of living beings. Brock That may be for living beings but Mewtwo was made by humans. Misty But now he's a living being. Ash Now they are all living beings. Mew and Mewtwo, Pikachu and that other Pikachu. (Mew and Mewtwo's fight finally goes on ground and they both take off there force field. Mew and Mewtwo both shoots a beam out at each other and starts to run between them not seeing the 2 beams coming!) Stop! Brock Ash! (Both beams hit Ash and he falls to the ground and turns to stone.) Mewtwo It can't be. A human tried to stop our fight. (Pikachu runs out to Ash and starts shaking Ash. Then he thunder shocks him many times and Ash still doesn't move. Pikachu begins to cry. Then all the other pokémon look at Pikachu - including the copies and they start crying. All there tears float over and land on ash then last, Pikachu's tears fall onto Ash and Ash regains his hold on life, and turns back to flesh from rock) Ash Pikachu! Pikachu Pika pi!! Mewtwo Actually, both you and I are pokémon that already exist. Mew mew. Mewtwo It might be better if no one knows about us, or any of this... Mew mew... (Mew and Mewtwo start flying away and then all the copies pokémon lift up into the air and fly with them!) Ash Why are you going everyone? Mewtwo (flying away with all the copies) We were born and alive. We will continue to live somewhere in this world. (All of a sudden the whole castle fills up with bright light and everyone disappears......... Now we are back where all the trainers what to go on the ferry.) Officer Jenny The ferry has been canceled! There's a hurricane coming! Nurse Joy (walks through the crowd) Don't worry everyone. I'm going to open the Pokémon Center as a shelter. Follow me those who need it. Brock Nurse Joy, the officer, and Ms. Boijer. Even more beautiful than usual when they are wet by the rain. Ash But why are we here? Misty I don't know. We're here because we're here. Ash It doesn't matter. Well... Huh? (Everyone runs outside) It can't be... Officer Jenny The hurricane... it's as if it never existed. Boijer I can run the ferry for again tomorrow. Ash (looks up and sees a mew in the sky) Look. Misty What? I can't see anything. Brock Besides the clouds. Ash On the day I left to become a pokémon trainer, I saw a phantom pokémon... and now.. I've seen it again. Brock Phantom Pokémon. Ash Yes, someday I will (Meanwhile, TR is still on the New Island except now the castle is gone.) Jessie Well if its this empty... James Clean and clear... Meowth And different than it usually is. Jessie/James/Meowth FEELS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!! ------------------------------------------ End theme ------------------------------------------ Where do I keep walking too? I stop, asked by the wind. Efforts to celebrate your birthday increase, You left the one and only home town for a journey Still seeking something even now. Big Eyes Are Shining There not with your but with someone else. Many hellos and Many Good-byes. A Bit of memory like an illusion. Where do you keep walking to? Asked by the wind as you look over the sky Where am I going to keep walking? Lets start walking with the wind! Standing Firmly on the ground lets go on forever... Until catching the dream we're aiming for. Standing Firmly on the ground lets go on forever... Until catching the dream we're aiming for. La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La...